
A Ghost Story

Directed by: David Lowery

Cinema program "A Ghost Story" in Kraków

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Movie poster A Ghost Story
Original title: A Ghost Story
Runtime: 92 min.
Production: USA , 2017
Category: drama / fantasy / romance
Release Date: 27 October 2017
Distribution: UIP

Directed by: David Lowery
Cast: Casey Affleck, Rooney Mara, McColm Cephas Jr.

Recognized filmmaker David Lowery ("It Happened in Texas", "My Friend Dragon") returns to the topic of exploring heritage, the importance of loss, and the human desire to find the meaning of existence.
A recently deceased man (Oscar® winner Casey Affleck) returns as a ghost in a white sheet home to bring consolation to his broken-hearted wife (Oscar®-nominated Rooney Mara). He quickly realizes that he is invisible, disconnected from real space-time. It can only look like the life he knew and the woman he loves slowly away from him.
More and more unnoticeable, condemned to oblivion, is a remarkable journey in history, confronting with the immensity of existence. An extraordinary story of love and sorrow that stays in us long after we leave the cinema.

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