
Cinema program "Auf Augenhohe" in Kraków

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Original title: Auf Augenhohe
Runtime: 98 min.
Production: Niemcy , 2016
Category: comedy / drama / family
Release Date: 16 March 2018
Distribution: Nowe Horyzonty

Directed by: Joachim Dollhopf, Evi Goldbrunner
Cast: Luis Vorbach, Jordan Prentice, Ella Frey

Michi is 11 years old and he never met his dad. Everything changes the unsent letter. The found father will turn out to be completely different than the boy imagined him. This is how a family adventure begins.
Michi lives in an orphanage, where every day she struggles with docs from her colleagues.
One day he comes across a letter from his mother, whose father is his addressee. She never sent the letter, so Michi decides to find Dad herself. Tom turns out to be completely different than the boy
he could have expected - he is a person of short stature. Michi is initially ashamed of her father's appearance and does not want to know him. Subsequent spitefulness of colleagues makes her run away from the orphanage and go to her father's apartment.

Soon, both will discover that they have more in common than they expected, and despite the hardships
they can be a real family.

"On the Line of Sight" is the laureate of the German Film Award for the best film for children and youth, as well as the German Film Critics Association Award. In Poland, the image was appreciated by the jury of the Network of Studio and Local Cinemas at the 34th International Festival of Young Audience Films "Ale Kino!" In Poznań.

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Movie trailer: Auf Augenhohe

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