
Den Utrolige Historie om den Kaempestore Paere

Directed by: Amalie Naesby Fick, Jorgen Lerdam, Philip Einstein Lipski

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Movie poster Niesamowita historia Wielkiej Gruszki
Original title: Den Utrolige Historie om den Kaempestore Paere
Runtime: 79 min.
Production: Dania , 2017
Category: animation
Release Date: 24 August 2018
Distribution: Vivarto

Directed by: Amalie Naesby Fick, Jorgen Lerdam, Philip Einstein Lipski
Cast: Alfred Bjerre Larsen, Liva Elvira Magnussen, Peter Frodin

The film is a story about Mitcho's cat and Sebastian's elephant living in the quiet village of Solba. One day, a couple of friends decide to go on a search for the mysterious Pear, which has long been circulating extremely legend and stories. Their joint expedition will abound in numerous adventures and prove to be a test of their friendship.

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IMDb© rate: Niesamowita historia Wielkiej Gruszki on IMDb

Movie trailer: Den Utrolige Historie om den Kaempestore Paere

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