
Tarapaty 2

Directed by: Marta Karwowska

Cinema program "Tarapaty 2" in Kraków

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Movie poster Tarapaty 2
Original title: Tarapaty 2
Production: Polska , 2020
Release Date: 25 September 2020
Distribution: Next Film

Directed by: Marta Karwowska
Cast: Pola Król, Jakub Janota-Bzowski, Joanna Szczepkowska

When the pearl of the collection - "The Beach in Pourville" by Claude Monet - disappears from the National Museum in Poznań, and Julka's aunt is falsely accused of theft - the children have to find the painting and discover the identity of the real thief. A harmonious duo begins an investigation, but Felka, a crazy 12-year-old, appears on the horizon, and with her trouble. The story of jealousy and trust is intertwined with solving a criminal puzzle. "Tarapaty 2" is a story for the whole family about how you can't believe in a friend until you believe in yourself. And also that a friendship put to the test can become even stronger.

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Movie trailer: Tarapaty 2

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