
Calin Peter Netzer - filmography

20 October 2017

Ana, mon amour
Directed by: Calin Peter Netzer
Cast: Diana Cavallioti, Mircea Postelnicu, Carmen Tanase
Category: drama

Winner of the Silver Bear at Berlinale 2017

The effect is moving. As if Linklater had assembled his trilogy "Before Sunrise, Sunset and North" in a single movie.
The Film Stage

Awarded the... more

14 March 2014

Pozitia copilului
Directed by: Calin Peter Netzer
Cast: Luminita Gheorghiu, Bogdan Dumitrache, Natasa Raab, Florin Zamfirescu
Category: drama

Cornelia właśnie skończyła 60 lat, jest zadbana, majętna i szanowana. Osiągnęła sukces zawodowy, ma oddanego, siedzącego pod pantoflem męża oraz wpływowych znajomych wśród bukareszteńskich elit. Jednak... more