Cinema program "La tortue rouge" in Kraków
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"La tortue rouge"
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Runtime: 80 min.
Production: Francja/Belgia/Japonia , 2016
Category: animation / fantasy
Release Date: 23 June 2017
Distribution: Gutek Film
Directed by: Michael Dudok de Wit
You are on a desert island. Around no trace of man, no bustle, only sea and beach. The wind is fresh, instead of sea breeze smog. From civilization, the infinite ocean divides you. What are you doing? Do you enjoy freedom or build a raft? Where are you? In jail or in paradise?
The legendary Japanese studio Ghibli (Spirited Away) presents a captivating adult fairy tale, which was awarded at Cannes, an Oscar nomination, and won the Scope100, where viewers themselves choose films for viewers.
Take a trip and explore the uninhabited island during the screening of the movie, which has enchanted audiences around the world.
Movie trailer: La tortue rouge
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