
Louise en hiver

Directed by: Jean-Francois Laguionie

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Movie poster Louise nad morzem
Original title: Louise en hiver
Runtime: 75 min.
Production: Francja/Kanada , 2016
Category: animation
Release Date: 15 December 2017
Distribution: Bomba Film

Directed by: Jean-Francois Laguionie
Cast: Diane Dassigny, Dominique Frot, Antony Hickling

The title Louise is an old lady who got stuck in a seaside resort after leaving the last train this season. It turns out that the chances of getting out are zero. Louise does not panic and decides to survive alone in winter. It will not be easy. Over time, however, torrential rains, tides, or lack of people, cease to be as severe as it was at the beginning. Although Louise lacks so many temporal things, she finds something invaluable - her self-confidence. The old lady starts to treat her situation as a challenge. He is about to survive facing the elements and his difficult memories, which have found the perfect opportunity to take part in adventure ... A moving animated film for adults with the power of man and about the age of the meaning of life.

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Movie trailer: Louise en hiver

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