Kyung-gu Sol - filmography
19 April 2024
Directed by:
Hae-Young Lee
Cast: Kyung-gu Sol, Ha-nui Lee, So-dam Park
Category: action
W 1933 roku Korea znajduje się pod brutalnym japońskim butem. Promykiem nadziei jest prężnie działający ruch oporu. Coraz bardziej zagrożone japońskie władze zbierają piątkę podejrzanych w ustronnym... more
13 July 2018
Salinjaui gieokbeob
Directed by:
Shin-yeon Won
Cast: Kyung-gu Sol, Nam-gil Kim, Seol-Hyun Kim
Category: action / thriller
Once Byung-su was a serial killer - he killed those who, in his opinion, deserved to die. But it was a long time ago, because after a tragic car accident he ended up killing. Currently, the man lives... more
6 April 2018
The Merciless
Directed by:
Sung-hyun Byun
Cast: Kyung-gu Sol, Si-wan Im, Kyoung-Young Lee
Category: action / crime / drama
The drug boss from the Korean underworld is serving his sentence in prison. The man subjugates fellow prisoners and guards. One day a young boy gets into the prison and makes friends with an experienced... more