Cinema program "21 x Nowy York" in Kraków
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Runtime: 70 min.
Production: Polska , 2016
Category: documentary
Release Date: 21 July 2017
Distribution: Against Gravity
Directed by: Piotr Stasik
Who are the real people traveling on the New York metro? Piotr Stasik directed the camera to 21 random people who emerged from the crowd of passengers. What do their intimate relationships look like? What are their sexual desires? In the film we learn 21 personal, emotional stories. - Is it even allowed to be so happy again? - asks the girl, who in one scene kisses the newly met man.
New York, as seen by Peter Stasik, is a frenzy of passion, longing and disappointment. Is proximity today primarily sex? Moving pictures of New York City and mesmerizing music are brought into the trance by which we can approach strangers.
This multilevel film of loneliness, longing for emotions, and the need for communication is also a mirror in which we can look if we can ... be courageous. "21 x New York" may be a story about you.